
The Cheap Toilet Paper Hunt… continued
March 24, 2008, 2:58 pm
Filed under: Coupons, Deals, Walgreens

Walgreen’s was all out of the Angel Soft toilet paper I was planning on getting last week. Bummer, expect I found an even better deal this week!

Scott and Cottonelle 4 packs are on sale this week at Walgreen’s for 2 for $5, with the 7 day in ad coupon. The April EasySaver Catalog has a rebate for $1 back when you buy two Scott or Cottonelle 4 packs. Since the April EasySaver does not start until March 28th and the in ad coupon expires on the 29th, this deal will only be good on March 28th and 29th. With the in ad coupon and rebate, the cost is brought down to 2 for $4. But wait, it gets better!

There are coupons for $1 off Scott Extra Soft 4 pack or larger that were in the Sunday paper last week. If you don’t have two of these, you can print them off at coupons.com or the Scott website.

Now the price is brought down to 2 for $2 or $.25 a roll! Hot dog! Remember, this deal is only good March 28th and 29th!

Savings milestone
March 24, 2008, 9:55 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Jake and I just surpassed the $2,000 mark in our savings account. *happy dance* Most of this money is the foundation of our emergency fund. A small chunk of it is reserved for our summer trip to Maine.

I know that this is really just a drop in the bucket as far as long term savings goes, but it’s a huge step forward for us as it’s the most money we’ve ever had saved before.

Here’s to $2,000 more!